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Dried Bouquet Magic


The Champagne Whispers bouquet is a stunning blend of dried and preserved botanicals, expertly curated to create a feathery, airy, and neutral masterpiece. Its neutral colour palette with champagne accents adds a touch of opulence, making it the ultimate choice for the modern bride seeking a unique and timeless floral arrangement.


Champagne Whispers bouquet complements a range of wedding themes and colour palettes, effortlessly adding a touch of chic refinement to any setting. Whether you are planning an intimate garden wedding or a grand ballroom affair, this bouquet will be your perfect floral companion.


A Keepsake of Your Precious Moments


Unlike fresh flowers that wilt and fade, the preserved blooms in our bridal bouquets hold their colors and texture over time. This means you can cherish the memories of your special day for years to come, as the bouquet retains its impeccable beauty without any maintenance. Whether displayed in a prominent place or tucked away as a treasured memento, this bouquet serves as a timeless reminder of the love and joy you experienced on your wedding day.


Expertly Handcrafted with Attention to Detail


Every aspect of our bridal bouquet is meticulously crafted with attention to detail. The bouquet is thoughtfully designed to ensure a harmonious balance of colours, textures, and shapes, making it a true work of art. From the selection of the finest preserved flowers and foliage to the arrangement of each blossom, our skilled florists pour their expertise into creating a unique masterpiece for you. Each bouquet is special and one of a kind.


High-Quality Materials for Lasting Beauty


When it comes to quality, we spare no expense. Our bridal bouquet features only the finest materials to ensure lasting beauty. Each preserved rose undergoes a meticulous preservation process that removes pollen and maintains its natural texture and vibrancy. The bouquet is crafted using premium floral supplies, ensuring that it remains flawless throughout your wedding day and beyond.

Neutral Serenity: Champagne Whispers Bouquet

  • This item is made to order. It will be ready for delivery or collection within 2-3 weeks. Please place your order online now or contact us to arrange a different date. Email us at or call 01628 329 548


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